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Laurent Khaiat 

32nd degree


Venerable Master
Lodge of Perfection


My Brothers,
It is with great humility and profound sense of responsibility that I stand before
you as the newly appointed Venerable Master of the Long Beach ScottIsh Rite
I am deeply honored to have been entrusted with this important role, and I am
committed to serving our Valley with dedica:on and integrity.
During the Installation, I was reminded of the rich history and tradi:on of the
ScottIsh Rite and the profound impact it has had on the lives of countless
individuals for centuries. Our organiza:on has always been guided by the
principles of brotherly love, truth, and charity, and it is my firm belief that these
principles will con:nue to be the cornerstone of our work in the years to come.
As the Venerable Master of our Valley, I am committed to fostering a spirit of unity
and collaboration within our fraternity.
Together, we will strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment where
every member feels valued and respected. I firmly believe that by working
together, we can achieve great things and make a posi:ve difference in the lives of
those around us.
By embodying the values of compassion and generosity, we can be a force for
posi:ve change in the world around us.
I am truly excited about the journey that lies ahead, and I am grateful for the
opportunity to lead and serve alongside such dedicated and passionate
Together, let us uphold the timeless principles of the ScottIsh Rite and strive to
build a brighter future for our Valley.
In closing, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Illustrious Tim Cable, our
Personal Representative, and to Illustrious Chuck Schubert who I precede in this
new role. I literally and physically have big shoes to fill. I am eager to embark on
this new chapter with enthusiasm and optimism, and I look forward to the
meaningful work that we will accomplish together.


Laurent Khaiat, 32nd degree
Venerable Master 

Long Beach Valley Scottish Rite

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